Dom in vrt Mali kuhinjski aparati, posoda, pribor

Magimix M105 Inissia Black

Datum testiranja: 09. 12. 2024

Skupna ocena
Tip: Capsules
Tip: Capsules
Priključna moč: /
Naveden delovni tlak: /
Izmerjena glasnost: /
Višina: /
Širina: /
Globina: /
Teža: /
Dolžina priključnega kabla: /
Povezovanje s pametnimi napravami: /
Aplikacija za iOS: /
Aplikacija za Android: /
Velikost posode za vodo: /
Velikost posode za kavna zrna: /
Pasivni grelec za skodelice: /
Priprava dveh skodelic hkrati: /
ESE blazinice: /
Običajna kava: /
Espresso: /
Dvojni espresso: /
Lungo (ali podobno): /
Kava z mlekom: /
Latte machiatto: /
Vroče mleko: /
Penjeno mleko: /
Samodejni Cappuccino: /
Čaj: /
Vroča čokolada: /
Adjust grinding setting on machine:
Adjust grinding setting via app:
Global score for ease of use for the app: 0
Ease of use making connection with device: 0
Adjust hardness of water via app:
Adjustable temperature via app:
Adjust coffee strength via app:
Checking maintenance via app:
Adjust volume via app:
Order coffee/capsules via app:
Timer via app:
Max number of profiles via app: 0
Creating profiles via app: 0
Settings favorites via app: 0
Adjust volume on machine:
Full drip tray mechanical indicator:
Number of grinding settings on machine: 0
LCD screen:
Fill waterreservoir alarm:
Ease of use app Android: 0
Emptying drip tray alarm:
Emptying residue container alarm:
Touch screen :
Size of LCD screen: /
Place of the controls: above
Adjust coffee strength on machine:
Hardness of water on machine:
Adjustable temperature on machine:
Amount of water can be stopped during process on machine:
Max number of profiles on machine: 0
Creating profiles on machine:
Number of different coffee strenghts on machine: 0
Selecting coffee programs: 0
Steam pipe:
Ease of use app iOS: 0
Integrated grinder manual machines:
Passive Heated cupshelf:
Active Heated cupshelf:
Hot water oultet:
Number of boilers: 1
Suitable for different systems:
ESE pads:
Spoon for grinded coffee:
Milk capsules:
Coffee beans:
Grinded coffee:
Number of coffees at the same time: 1
Amount of water used per rinsing cycle espresso switching off: 0 ml
Amount of coffee in spoon : 0 g
Android app available:
Commens milk unit: none
iOS app available:
Type of connectivity: none
Any specific brand of capsules: none
Dolce Gusto: 0
Nespresso vertuo: 0
Nespresso classic: 1
Auto cleaning program milk unit:
Other accessories: none
Refrigerated Milk unit:
External milk frother:
Milk unit with tube cappucinotore:
Integrated milk unit:
Heating ready signal:
Comments equipment: none
Fill coffeebeans alarm:
Rinsing needed signal:
Best 5: none
Worst 3: The handle is kind of hard to close, especially for person with poor strength
Worst 2: Cleaning and emptying the driptray is annoying
Worst 1: No markings on water tank
Best 8: none
Best 7: none
Best 6: none
Best 4: The water tank can be filled without being removed
Worst 5: The IB provided is really lacking is some important informations
Best 3: Simple and effective usage, especially on a daily basis
Best 2: Large selection of capsules
Best 1: Small appliance, with design that matches well in a kitchen
Noise (db): 79 db
What type of descaling agent/product are needed (give brand and reference): Nespresso descaling kit
How long does the programme take: 15 min
Worst 4: The water tank is poorly placed
Worst 6: Lck of good feedbacks, few visual indications
Is the water reservoir removable:
Price for 1400 cups AC: 616
Price for 700 cups OCU: 343
Price per cup OCU: 0.49
Price for 700 cups AC: 308
Price for 700 cups Deco: 308
Price per cup Deco: 0.44
Price per cup AC: 0.44
Price for 700 cups: 322
Worst 7: none
Price per cup: 0.46
SSD : 84
Type of coffee: Nespresso
Measured coffee per capsule: 5.9634333333333
Capsule Recycled: 80
Worst 8: none
Is the brewer removable:
Is the drip tray removable:
Descaling needed signal:
Latte machiatto:
Hot chocolat:
Amount of water used per rinsing cycle cappuccino: 0 ml
Pre-programmed Cappuccino:
Frothed Milk:
Hot milk:
Manual or automatic cappuccino: /
Lungo (or similar):
Double espresso:
Regular coffee:
Comments controls and indicators: 2 indicators only for small and large cup.
Cleaning needed signal:
Coffee pot :
Other drinks: none
Two cappuccinos at the same time :
Average real deviation temp second cup regular: 4,4 °C
Two coffees at the same time:
Comment strong espresso: none
Average real deviation average temperature strong: 3,1666666666667 °C
Espresso max temperature in cup second cup strong: 73,2 sec
Espresso max temperature in cup first cup strong: 66,3 sec
Comment regular espresso: none
Average real deviation temp first cup regular: 2,9 °C
Comments type of pre programmed coffees: A lot of different capsules give different beverages
Espresso max temperature in cup third cup regular: 75 °C
Espresso max temperature in cup second cup regular: 71,4 °C
Espresso max temperature in cup first cup regular: 64,1 °C
Comment energy consumption: none
Is switch-off time adjustable:
Heating up and preparing cappuccino: 0 Wh
Amount of water used per rinsing cycle espresso switching on: 0 ml
Capacity milk unit: /
Power consumption: 1150 - 1260 W
Safety and approval marks: CE, disposal
Capacity water container: 700 ml
Capacity residue : 10
Claimed pressure: 0 bar
Max coffee outlet heigth: 92 mm
Min coffee outlet heigth: 92 mm
Capacity coffee bean reservoir 3: /
Capacity coffee bean reservoir 2: /
Capacity coffee bean reservoir 1: /
Number of coffee bean reservoirs: 0
Length electrical cord: 712 mm
Country of origin : Ukraine
Weight: 2406 g
Depth: 302 mm
Width : 119 mm
Height: 228 mm
Color: black
Similar to: np
Identical to: np
Condition after arrival: in order of use
Merilna žlička za mleto kavo: /
Capacity driptray unit: 160 ml
Odklenite si dostop za ogled celotnega testa in ocene izdelka

Ocena vam pove, kako so se izdelki izkazali v naših neodvisnih testiranjih.

Katere informacije test vključuje?

  • Ali je kava iz dražjega aparata tudi boljša?
  • Kakšnega izbrati glede na naše potrebe?
  • Kateri so bolj varčni?
  • Kateri modeli so cenovno ugodni in še vedno kvalitetni?
  • Kateri modeli so najboljši za določene tipe kapsul?

Cena: 5,90 €

Želim neomejen dostop do vseh vsebin ZPS

Sorodni izdelki

(Magimix) M105 Inissia Black
Dodaj v primerjavo
Dodaj v primerjavo
DeLonghi EC 235.BK Stilosa
Dodaj v primerjavo

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ZPS je neodvisna in neprofitna organizacija, že
več kot 30 let na strani potrošnikov.

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Pridobite dostop do kakovostnih vsebin:

  • Revija ZPStest: 12 številk v 10 izvodih, dostop le prek spleta ali z dostavo na dom
  • Dostop do vseh testov in drugih plačljivih vsebin
  • Pravno svetovanje pri potrošniških težavah
  • Svetovanje o kakovosti in varnosti gospodinjskih aparatov ter zabavne elektronike

Že od 69,60 € / na leto

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Primerjalne teste izdelkov in storitev financirajo člani ZPS s plačilom članarine. S plačilom posameznega testa tako tudi vi omogočate izvedbo primerjalnih testov. Zaradi zagotavljanja popolne neodvisnosti ZPS kot potrošniška, organizacija ne sprejema donatorskih in sponzorskih prispevkov podjetij.

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